We are very proud of our uniform, it greatly enhances the standards of our school.
We have two Uniform suppliers, parents can purchase the correct uniform for their children through the links below. Uniform may be purchased from any store and does not have to include the school logo.
Shoes- Suitable school uniform shoes are black shoes or black trainers and must be practical for school use (no open toes,high heels or sling backs).
All clothing should be marked with your child’s name. We encourage children to wear uniform to school, thereby reflecting the pride they have in their school.
Name Tags for your child's school uniform and property are available to order via the link below:
Children should come to school with a sensible hairstyle. Un-natural hair colour dyes and highlights , as well as extreme hairstyles are not acceptable in school (e.g. Mohawks, shaved styles with patterns cut into the hair)The only jewellery allowed in school is a watch and a small pair of studs or sleepers. Also, nail varnish is not to be worn.
Smartwatches are not to be worn by pupils in school.
To comply with Health and Safety regulations children are expected to change into the correct kit for PE. All children require either, Burgundy/Black shorts and a White T-Shirt, as well as PE shoes. In cold weather, black tracksuit bottoms/ leggings may be worn. Any earrings or jewellery must be removed by the child before any PE activities. All PE kits should be clearly marked and stored in a drawstring PE bag. (Please note plimsolls or bare feet are acceptable for PE in the Hall, for outdoor PE, trainers should be worn). A parent’s note is required for exemption from PE.
Due to the shortage of coat room space, it would be very helpful if your child could bring their belongings to school either in a bookbag (available form Hargreaves) or a small bag of your choice, as opposed to a large rucksack. These can then be stored in a box in the classroom.