School Meals

School Meals

Free for infant students.

Our school meals are provided by a company called Chartwells. School meals can be paid for by logging in to the site below called ‘ParentPay’. Parents will need to be registered with the website and will be provided with activation details by the school.

Please note that the school operates a “No credit” policy for school meals. Once the meal debt reaches close to £10.00, the pupil will be unable to order any more school meals until the ‘ParentPay’ account is in credit. Until the account is in credit, a packed lunch will need to be supplied for the pupil.

Free School Meals

As of February 2017, the free school meal application form is now available to complete online at the Portsmouth City Council website, please see link below:

Free School Meal website link

Completed forms will be automatically sent to the PCC free school meal inbox where they can assess and advise parents/carers accordingly.

Alternatively, a paper copy of the free meals application form can be obtained from the school office.

We update our menu regularly, and often have special one-time menus to mark events which you can find here

Cool Milk

There is a Parent Information leaflet that can be viewed here.

If you would like your child or children to have milk at school, you will need to register at

School Lunch Menu