A good education is vital for children and young people to thrive, and regular attendance at school will ensure your child has the opportunity to receive the best education possible. Good attendance helps children to make progress in school and fulfil their potential in the future.
One of the most important ways a parent can support the education of their child and that of their child’s social, emotional and academic development is to ensure they attend every day, on time and avoid any unauthorised absences. Please note, any absence for which a reason has not been provided will be unauthorised.
If your child does require a leave of absence, please complete the Leave of Absence Form (LOAF) provided on the link below and return it to school at your earliest opportunity. Any Leave of Absence can only be authorised if it is taken in exceptional circumstances. It is important to note that the DfE Statutory Guidance states that a holiday is not considered an exceptional circumstance.
Any leave of absence where a LOAF was not provided in advance will be automatically unauthorised.
For more information on the statutory regulations regarding school attendance please see the following documents:
At the Meon Way Federation, we like to celebrate good attendance. We do this in a multitude of ways including class trophies, certificates and parties. We even have our very own Attendance and Punctuality Mascots, Attendance Audrey & Punctuality Pablo.
We employ a key member of staff to be responsible for Attendance. This member of staff is our Attendance Improvement Co-ordinator, Miss Charlotte Osborne.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s attendance and/or punctuality, or you feel your child may benefit from some support with their attendance and punctuality, please contact Charlotte via email at c.osborne@tsatrust.org.uk or alternatively call her on 03333602175.