Students Plea to Save Stubbington Study Centre

February 11, 2025 12:55pm

Our year 6 pupils met Stephen Morgan MP on Friday afternoon to present to him the letters they wrote in support of saving Stubbington Study Centre - Hampshire County Council

These pupils had visited SSC for a residential experience when they were in year 5.

Thomas wrote: 'Stubbington Study Centre is the best residential ever. The memories I made there will last for life.'

Elijah wrote: 'the unique thing about Stubbington SC is that you get to socialise with children from other schools and you can explore the beautiful countryside of Hampshire, different from sitting in front of a screen for hours and this is beneficial for us all.'

Mr Morgan listened to our pupils and their reasons why they believe the Centre should be kept open. He shared with the children that he visited there as a child and together they discussed their similar experiences: watching badgers from the hide, trapping animals in mammal hotel to study and then release, playing Stubbington murder and finding shark's teeth on the beach.

Mr Morgan said; “I fondly remember my experiences there as a child. It’s a place where you make memories for life, so it would be intensely disappointing if it was to close. '

Mr Morgan took the children's letters and will send them to the counsellors at Hampshire County Council. The pupils of Meon Juniors' voices will be heard in the decision-making process.


Check out the article in The Portsmouth News here; The News